Your Story. Our Passion. Leave Them Speechless! 

RSP is excited to partner with your passion to impact hearts and lives in 2021 and beyond.

RSP represents a team of specialists whose audio/video installations, rentals, and production designs are unique to a broad range of markets. Whether the need is for a house of worship, live entertainment, touring groups or festivals, RSP has you covered. Our on-site experts are at-your-service from conception to completion.  Our years’ of experience deliver superior results every time, regardless of budget size. Our diverse portfolio is proof that we are second-to-none in creatively implementing customer’s dreams with cutting-edge designs. Especially now, since entertainment markets offer such a wide-variety of technology, we have vast resources from which to choose. Our passion is to enable you to effectively communicate your message to your audience.

It’s what we’re about. It’s what we do.